Meet Allen

Allen Hamlette black and white photo with HF Tee.

I started weight training at age 14 as a Freshman at Desert High School. We trained in a busted portable that had old fitness equipment crammed in there. To this day, that "weight room" is the brokest place I EVER worked out and I LOVED it. It was crude and grimy with no air conditioning- just a cracked box fan and an open door. I think it doubled as the coach's office, too. About eight of us could cram in for a workout, and we did. I didn't know what I was doing, but I felt GREAT!

For years (...and years), I was a casual resource for friends and family who had questions, saw a thing, or needed a training plan. I want to help everyone workout, but I never thought about being a trainer. Now here we are. I finally took the advice, and I can help make fitness easy for you, too!

I understand that the road to better fitness is not linear or smooth. Like anyone, I've been more active at times and less active at others. The road is littered with perils and detours, but I'm here to help you get back on track. On, you can find answers to your questions and workouts to complement your plan. Contact me for in-person training, virtual training, and nutrition coaching!

Allen Hamlette performing preacher curls in a black and white photo.
Post workout headshot selfie of Allen Hamlette with headphones in a black and white photo.
Allen Hamlette performing landmine rows in a black and white photo.

When not training clients or myself, I enjoy family time, cook, play video games, and listening to a lot of music. I spend a good deal of my non-fitness day in the office producing digital and print media to market small businesses and organizations. Meet my web designing alter-ego at!

Allen Hamlette profile photo for HAMLETTE FITNESS

"Showing up is the hardest part of being active. It's so easy to do absolutely nothing. But once you decide to show up, amazing things happen and you discover that your body can do almost anything you put your mind to!"

-Allen Hamlette